Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bitter Gourd , Palak & Radish – Sharing is fun .

We have started off as a very small group, and named us Qatar Gardener’s. Here we share our experience in gardening in Qatar, trade seeds, discuss issues which is been tested and tried, some might work and some might not, but the learning still goes on & it’s fun !

The group, as of today has increased from 3 to 27 members and I’m sure there’s a lot out there who love gardening. Any type of gardening say it, from small containers to big backyards to the smallest cup of micro plants, love for plants is what gets us together.

Ok coming to the actual subject, I got some seeds from Tilak mama from the group who handed over some bitter gourd, Palak & Radish and I in turn gave him some Panikoorka and a papaya sapling . Sharing is so much of fun, not to mention to share seeds which you are already growing is more fun, it lets you assist the other one, who might need guidance , something like a “ I know this one “ feeling.

Date: Nov 25 sowed the Palak and the bitter gourd in the seed tray. Have some Palak seeds left out to try it directly on the ground.

DH got some seeds and pots from the Carrefour, which has a sale today. He went to get some other things, but the extra effort to make me happy with these surprises! No Words.

Just counting my blessing# people around me#good heart.

Will keep you updated with the growth of these , can’t resist mentioning ,Growing bitter gourd since the whole family are crazy about the taste of this sour vegetable , which I like to see but I hate to eat . They say it cures any issues with digestive issues, Diabetics,  issues concerning blood, Vitamin-C etc etc Its also called karela , pavakai , it a Creeper . We prepare  Pavakai Kootan , thoran which isn’t really bad ! huh ! I’m lieing LOL .

Palak I intend to grow because of my little one, he loves any dish with it .So a bit of French greens is what came in mind first.

Tata for now!...

Update : Palak grew in the pots and then didnt survive they were stemy , Bitter gourd sprouted up but dried up wasn't successful !o yeah Radish Grew see the next post to follow up.

Just a preview : 
To closely sown !
Pulled out early - See next batch looks better ! Next post ..

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Rain, Transplant, Joy, Family

A beautiful weather after a rain, its so peaceful . No sound and the smell of the soil, a great time to transplant. And not to mention your partner next to you while transplanting, giving you a company.

Son is a part of the gardening process, now your partner, what more do you need for motivation , feeling loved while gardening. Gardening is joy and peace of mind.

Its been some time since i sowed the tomato seeds and haven't found the right time to transplant. Its grown up, at last did it today.

For a trial have planted it on the previously grown okra soil, added some manure to ensure it has some nutrients left. As usual leaving it to nature to reciprocate.

Feeling loved. Good night and ill keep you'll updated.
So whose helping you out in your garden?

-Update Jan 30-2014

Loads of flowers !

-Update : Feb 13 2014

My lady has completed 85 days and having a Little one ! so cute isn't it !

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Don't Panic - Its a Part of Gardening !

Ok here you go, I not only deal with plants growing in my backyard, I also have to deal with some insects, bugs , discoloration of the leaves , water clogging  and god knows what more the nature holds for me  .

All these thoughts really turned up in to a positive One, after my little one came up yesterday near the door, asking what I was doing with the stick. Playing with mud? Can I join you? No , was my answer, there’s a little beetle here, eating up all the plant .

Qatari /Desert Black Beetle

Pic is for illustration purpose from net
The sunflower plant had turned yellow, I could find spider Webs on it a couple of days before, Sprayed water and left it. Late in evening yesterday, I could find these Qatari Black Beetles around the plant. Removed it manually and Tied it up in a plastic cover and dropped it in the garbage, didn't want to kill it .It looked so beautiful, Dark Jet black.
It was fun explaining it to my little one, who so curiously, took a look into the cover, and was happy to see the way it moved. I don’t mind having a few to see the excitement grow within my little one as long as it’s safe.


Pic is for illustration purpose from net

One of the other incident was on the panikoorka pot , had a couple of snails. It didn't harm much , it lived peacefully. But when I googled , it did say they were slow eaters and might destroy the plants . Didn't want to take a chance since these were plants that I wanted to keep , so I could minimize the cold and cough medicines that I give to My little one . Added Tea waste and coffee waste to the pots bed. This did reduce the amount that I saw later.


Black ants are other little creatures that I see every day near my plants; they don’t seem to harm my plants either, As long as they don’t get into my house, I guess shall let it go, otherwise I have plans of using turmeric or bay leaves, I also sowed mint in the seed tray and I know that is a natural deterrent as well.


These are normally seen on plants, nothing much to be done except, cleanse off the plants with water. It does keep coming up, due to the vast dusty backyard.

Leafs withering

New  saplings that I placed in the ground, after a couple of days started to droop and wither.
I could find Green fungus formed on the soil and here you go that could be the reason; the water seemed to be clogged. What I did was aerated the soil with a spade , added some cows manure and also trimmed down the branches and it did fine .New leafs appear now.

Holes in the leaf /Moths


Pic is for illustration purpose from net
I guess these must be the moths, but i'm thinking of trying An infusion of onion, garlic, mash materials in cold water, leave for an hour, and then strain ,also Adding a tiny drop of detergent which will help the liquid stick to the plant leaves when sprayed.(update this worked for me )

What other issues have you faced and what have you done ?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Living Compass – Sunflowers

These seeds were given by Mom, she purchased these from lalbhag, one of the botanical gardens in Bangalore , they have various varieties of plants , you name it and you get it there .
Talking about lalbhag , one of the places that remind me of childhood , Awesome flower shows and reason to eat junk and mainly the corn cobs or chollakondai  in the roadside , with pudina chutney and redchilli flakes. Yummy. Definitely miss those days.

Ok, pulling back the thoughts to Doha, Sowed the seeds in the end of Aug, and they bloomed This Nov start – a complete 2 months to bloom .

12 days after sowing 

Never knew or took some time to really check the variety of sunflowers, until today.
I always thought the sunflowers were really big, until my little one bloomed. It makes me happy seeing them thou. Might be the variety is a miniature one, or a false sunflower , need to dig up the packets for the specification, because if you see the packet that i attached to the pot shows a bigger one , not sure what went wrong.

Sowed them in a pot and transplanted them into a couple of pots so they don’t fight for space.
A few survived the heat and a few died. The ones under the net had bloomed first, the one directly under the sun died (placed it above the tulsi madam), and the ones opposite the tulsi madam are still catching up.

These plants are living compasses, had planted a few facing east and few facing west.
Remember the ones I told bloomed, it was planted facing west but when it matured it was facing east, just had to go a little front and click. Looks lovely isn't it, thou small and couple of petals are yet to bloom completely.

After 2 months 

All i did was Just watered twice a day and added a little cows manure while I transplanted it.

Let me know if you planted one of these and how did it turn up .Tata !