Monday, November 4, 2013

Living Compass – Sunflowers

These seeds were given by Mom, she purchased these from lalbhag, one of the botanical gardens in Bangalore , they have various varieties of plants , you name it and you get it there .
Talking about lalbhag , one of the places that remind me of childhood , Awesome flower shows and reason to eat junk and mainly the corn cobs or chollakondai  in the roadside , with pudina chutney and redchilli flakes. Yummy. Definitely miss those days.

Ok, pulling back the thoughts to Doha, Sowed the seeds in the end of Aug, and they bloomed This Nov start – a complete 2 months to bloom .

12 days after sowing 

Never knew or took some time to really check the variety of sunflowers, until today.
I always thought the sunflowers were really big, until my little one bloomed. It makes me happy seeing them thou. Might be the variety is a miniature one, or a false sunflower , need to dig up the packets for the specification, because if you see the packet that i attached to the pot shows a bigger one , not sure what went wrong.

Sowed them in a pot and transplanted them into a couple of pots so they don’t fight for space.
A few survived the heat and a few died. The ones under the net had bloomed first, the one directly under the sun died (placed it above the tulsi madam), and the ones opposite the tulsi madam are still catching up.

These plants are living compasses, had planted a few facing east and few facing west.
Remember the ones I told bloomed, it was planted facing west but when it matured it was facing east, just had to go a little front and click. Looks lovely isn't it, thou small and couple of petals are yet to bloom completely.

After 2 months 

All i did was Just watered twice a day and added a little cows manure while I transplanted it.

Let me know if you planted one of these and how did it turn up .Tata !

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